Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Overview, Types, Benefits, Dosage, Precautions

What is Omega 3 Fatty Acid?
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that is very important for the human body. It belongs to the polyunsaturated fatty acids that the body cannot make on its own. That's why it is important to intake. It is needed for our body to survive and proper function of the body. Well, omega 3 contains three major types ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) which support body health. The common food, by which you can get omega 3 in your body are flaxseed oil, fish, walnuts and many more. The omega 3 fish supplement or raw fish contain EPA and DHA and flaxseed contain ALA. Many studies provide evidence about the health benefits of eating seafood, fish and other omega 3 sources.
Types Of Omega 3
Omega 3 is divided into three categories or types-
- Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
- Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
- Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Alpha-linolenic Acid
Linolenic acid is one of the compounds of health oil. There are various types of linolenic acid, such as "α (alpha)", "γ (gamma)", and "β (beta). Alpha-linolenic Acid means the first linolenic acid discovered. It is an essential fatty acid not made by the human body.
The role of Alpha-linolenic Acid in the body is, it prevents the formation of blood clots, helps to lower blood pressure, etc. Overall, it is good for heart health. Alpha-linolenic Acid is a plant-derived fatty acid and abundant in flaxseed, soy, spinach, walnuts, etc.
Docosahexaenoic Acid
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is a type of essential fatty acid that is abundant in the nervous system like in the brain and retina. It is not produced by the human body. It is rich in human brain tissues and also said that the amount of DHA increases with the development of the fetal brain.
The DHA is not limited to the child brain or the maintenance and improvement of cognitive function of the brain of adults. It is also effective for cardioprotection and cholesterol levels. It suppresses the allergy and fat for the body and enhances learning ability and memory. Docosahexaenoic Acid is available in fish oil. Mostly it is rich in seafood, salmon fish and many more.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is also not produced by the human body. Eicosapentaenoic acid is used to maintain blood and blood vessels for overall body function. In particular, it is effective in smoothing the blood by lowering the lipid concentration in the blood. Hence it is highly used in pharmaceutical products. Moreover, it is also good for dry eyes and fat burning.
The source of Eicosapentaenoic acid is fish oil, cod liver, salmon, etc as well as human breast milk. The source of EPA is maximum in the fresh, greasy, seasonal fish.
Omega 3 Benefits (Omega 3 Uses)
There are many omega 3 fatty acid benefits as it also contains three types of omega 3 fatty acid that works differently. Let's know about the use of omega 3.
Depression and Anxiety
Depression and anxiety is a mental condition, which include sadness, upset mood, worry, nervousness and many more. It is said that the use of Omega 3 regularly may be effective in depression & anxiety. Moreover, it also reduces the symptoms because of EPA fatty acid from Omega 3. From all - ALA(Alpha-linolenic Acid), EPA(Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA(Docosahexaenoic Acid), EPA omega fatty acid is more effective to fight depression and anxiety.
Improve Eye Health
Omega 3 is known to ward off eye diseases and is helpful to improve dry eye symptoms. The DHA component from the Omega 3 fatty acid is responsible for the main building block of the eye's retina. It is able to improve vision and improve many eye problems caused by macular degeneration. Experience the benefits of omega 3 now.
Improve Brain Health
Omega 3 fatty acid is vital for brain growth especially for infants and early life of children. The EPA(Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA(Docosahexaenoic Acid) are responsible for brain function and brain development. It is said that DHA holds 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids for the brain where the rest is 60% for the eyes. During the pregnancy period, the consumption of omega 3 boosts the intelligence, communication, brain function levels in the baby.
Improve Heart Disease
The regular use of Omega 3 is effective for reducing the risk of heart diseases, especially for sudden heart failure. In today's generation, heart problems like heart attacks are the main cause of death. The fatty acid shows a major reduction in triglycerides, bad HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, blood clot formation as well as inflammation in the heart and body. Likewise, omega 3 fatty acid is effective for the body too.
Reduce Symptoms of ADHD
ADHD is a major neurodevelopmental disorder in children that are diagnosed in childhood and lasts in childhood. Inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, etc are the symptoms of ADHD. It is caused when there is a low level of omega 3 fatty acid in the children. It is essential for the early life of children. It is said that 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults have ADHD.
Reduce Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster that increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes and various illnesses. The use of omega 3 keeps the body healthy and reduces the symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Omega 3 fatty acid is able to improve insulin resistance, reduce obesity and fat, work on inflammation and many more that cause illness in the body.
Fight Inflammation
Omega 3 fatty acid is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that are able to manage inflammation in the body and autoimmune diseases. Inflammation is a natural response that damages the body and blood. Omega 3 fatty acids are effective to reduce the inflammation caused by molecules like eicosanoids and cytokines.
Improve Mental Disorders
Omega 3 fatty acids are easy to travel the brain cell membrane, boost mood and other mental disorders. Low levels of omega 3 cause psychiatric disorders in people. As omega is also able to reduce inflammation. So it is good to reduce depression, mood swings and improve the functionality of the brain.
Improve Bone & Joint Health
A right dose of Omega 3 fatty acid is beneficial for bone and joint health. It improves bone formation, reduces inflammation & pain and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effect of omega 3 is associated with bone and joint health. Well, the use of omega 3 also boost the calcium level in the bones that help in better bone & joint health
Reduce Menstrual Pain
It is statically proven that omega 3 may be able to reduce menstrual pain in women. Menstrual pain significantly affects the quality of life. It is said that omega 3 fatty acid supplement is more effective than ibuprofen in severe menstrual pain.
Improve Sleep
A lower level of omega 3 in the body causes asleep in children as well as in adults. Low omega 3 fatty acid means a low level of DHA and it is linked with the lower levels of the hormone melatonin, which helps you fall asleep. The use of DHA supplements increases the length and quality of sleep. Depression, stress, etc also improved by the omega 3 fatty acids.
Improve Skincare
Omega 3 is an essential component for the skin. Omega-3 benefits for the skin in many ways. The DHA and EPA both manage the function of kin and improve the skin cells. The DHA is the main structural component for the skin, where EPA manages the oil production, skin hydration and many more. A sufficient amount of omega 3 soften the skin, keep skin hydrated, increase elasticity, manage breakout and minify the ageing effects. EPA for Omega 3 is also to control the damage of a major protein of the body, collagen. Higher collagen production is a sign of better skin and health.
How to Take Omega 3 Effectively
The use of food rich in omega 3 is good. Omega 3 is abundant in fish and seafood. It is rich in cold-water fatty fish like salmon, tuna, herring, etc. Nuts such as walnuts and almonds also contain omega 3 fatty acids. Vegetable Oils such as flaxseed oil, linseed oil and sesame oil can be good. It is good to consume omega 3 fatty acids from various ingredients and foods.
The presence of omega 3 in vegetable foods is called alpha-linolenic acid. On the other hand, fish and shellfish contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Well, all three categories of Omega 3 fatty acids hold different functions of the body. Well, keep in mind that Omega 3 is sensitive to heat. Try to store it in the refrigerator and it is not suitable for stir-fried foods and fried foods. We recommend eating raw fish, seafood, nuts, etc
Supplements are also recommended. Compared to the past, there are fewer opportunities to eat fish, and many people are not good at fish, so it is difficult to get omega 3 from your daily diet. In addition, flaxseed oil and sesame oil are more expensive than other oils and have problems such as being unusable and difficult to store
So, for the easy consumption of Omega3 fatty acids, it is good to add omega 3 capsules or supplements in daily life. With supplements, you can easily replenish omega 3, which tends to be in short supply. There are many types of supplements on the market, so choose one that is easy to keep going.
Omega 3 Precaution
Make sure to consider the below precaution point before starting the use of Omega 3 food or supplements.
- The use of omega 3 supplements, food or anything else by mouth is recommended.
- Make sure that you are not allergic to omega-3 rich foods or supplements. Talk to a healthcare professional about your allergies.
- The consumption of omega 3 fish oil is suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It does not affect the fetus and children. But try to avoid the shark, swordfish, etc fish eating. These fishes may contain toxin compounds and affect the fetus and children as well as women too.
- There is the possibility of an increase in bipolar conditions.
- A high dose of omega 3 might increase blood sugar levels.
- It is good to talk first with healthcare professionals, if you are on medication related to the liver, blood, etc.
- Try to avoid omega 3 supplements with anticoagulants, warfarin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, prasugrel, ticlopidine, atenolol, labetalol, metoprolol, nadolol, propranolol, diuretics, estrogen-containing contraceptives, estrogen replacement therapy and many more.
- Tell your doctor if you have diabetes, atrial fibrillation, or atrial vibration (conditions in which the heart beats irregularly); or liver, thyroid, or pancreatic disease.
- Try to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages while taking omega 3 fatty acids supplements.
- Do not overdose on omega 3 fatty acids even if it is the best omega 3 capsules in India.
Omega 3 Dosage
The estimated daily intake of Omega 3 fatty acid is around 2000mg. It is suggested by FSSAI(Food Safety and Standards Authority of India). Well, the intake of 2000mg is considered by DHA + EPA. Fatty acids such as omega 3 are repeatedly metabolized, so it is important to take them diligently every day rather than taking them in large quantities at once. It is okay to intake omega 3 with the other omegas like omega 6 or anything else. But it is important to balance the fatty acids, so it is good to talk with healthcare professionals.
The overdose of omega 3 is not good. As we know, omega 3 is good for beauty and health. Overdose can cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhoea, and difficulty stopping bleeding. Also, no matter how good the oil is, taking too much can lead to obesity. The more omega 3 you take, the less effective it will be. On the contrary, it can be counterproductive. To get rid of obesity and stay healthy, keep the right amount. As per your body, it is good to ask the professional about the right dose for your body.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on Omega 3
Omega 3 how to use it?
The best and easiest way to add Omega 3 fatty acid to the diet is, to eat a fatty fish twice a day or consume omega 3 capsules based on fish oil. Well, the consumption of omega 3 capsules is more good and easy. The benefits of omega 3 capsules are the same as the raw source of fish.
What is omega-3 good for?
Omega is good for beauty and health. There are many benefits linked to the use of omega 3 like better cardiovascular, bone & joint health, reduce eye dryness, brain functions, etc. A better mood, sleep are also linked with the omega 3
Which Indian fish have omega-3 fatty acids?
Ilish, Yellowfin tuna, Seenghala, Mahseer, Churi, etc are Indian fishes that are rich in omega3 fatty acids. These fish are easy to find over Indians. So, start intake of omega 3 now.
How to use omega-3 for hair growth?
The use of omega 3 supplements is effective for hair growth. It prevents hair loss by providing essential proteins and nutrients. It boosts the hair follicles and supports hair health. The best way to use omega 3 fish oil on the root of hairs and consume omega 3 capsules parallelly. Experience various omega-3 benefits for hair by using and applying it.
How much omega 3 is in flaxseed?
Flaxseed is a vegetarian source of Omega 3 for body health. Open Tablespoon of flaxseed contains around 1.8g of omega 3 fatty acid. Consuming one tablespoon of flaxseed is enough on a daily basis.
How to take omega-3 capsules with water?
Get your desired and suitable omega 3 supplement in the market. Read the label's instructions about the dosage. Intake 1 capsule with a glass of water after a proper meal. Wait, if you missed your breakfast or meal. Make sure to consume it after a proper meal.
How much omega 3 per day?
The use of 2000mg of omega 3 fatty acid is ideal. For more competition, it is good to talk to your healthcare professional. Make sure to not succeed with the dose by themselves. Overdose of omega 3 is not good for the body.
How to consume omega 3 capsules?
It is very easy to consume omega 3 capsules. Intake one capsule with a glass of water after a meal. It is required to have a proper meal before intake of omega 3 supplements.
How long does it take for omega-3 to work for hair?
The use of omega 3 for about 6 months is effective to boost hair diameter and density. It takes time to benefit the hair roots and shows the result. It takes about 14 days to start treating the hair follicles.
How much omega 3 in a day?
It is ideal to use about 2000mg of Omega 3 fatty acid in a day. It increases the dose, first talk to your healthcare professional.
Which foods contain omega 3?
There are many foods that are rich in omega 3 and work for body health. Fishes (tuna, salmon, herring, etc), Seafood (Oyster, shrimps, prawns, snails, etc), Nuts (walnuts, Hazelnuts, etc) and seeds (flaxseed, soybean, etc) are the foods that contain omega 3.
What are the advantages of omega 3?
Omega 3 has various advantages for the body like fighting depression, inflammation, heart problems, eye diseases, brain function, etc. The most popular advantage of Omega 3 is, it improves brain function in children and early life.
Is it beneficial to consume Omega 3 on a daily basis?
Yes, it is beneficial to consume omega 3 fatty acids on a daily basis. Just make sure about the limit of the dose. Regular use of omega 3 shows many effects on the body like it prevents heart problems, eye problems, boosts the brain and mental functionality and many more.
Why is Omega 3 harmful to your health?
Omega 3 is not harmful to health if it is consumed within a limit. The overdose of any supplement definitely causes adverse problems to the body. To avoid harmful effects, talk to the healthcare professional and follow him/her.
Is Omega 3 necessary for me?
Omega 3 is an essential fat for the body, and it is not produced by the body. It is necessary to innate it from an external source, so omega 3 is necessary for everyone to use.
Which three omega-3 fatty acids are the most important?
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the three most important omega 3 fatty acids for the body. Well, there are 11 types of omega 3 fatty acids that exist in the world.
Which omega-3 is the most effective?
Among all, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is the most effective. It maintains the most important body functions like reducing the risk of heart problems and increasing the heart rate.
Is omega-3 beneficial to hair growth?
Yes, omega 3 is beneficial for hair growth. It works for the hair follicles and prevents hair loss and hair quality.