Is Aloe Vera Good For Hair?

Aloe Vera is a very famous ingredient for skin care as well as for hair care. Yes, Aloe vera is indeed good for the hair. It is a natural plant that has been used for centuries for its various health and beauty benefits. Its benefits for hair are also well-documented. It would be easier to take care of your hair with the aloe. Today, we will talk about the effects of aloe, a plant that is also popular for medicinal purposes on hair, why aloe vera is good for hair, its specific effects, and how to grow hair using aloe vera and many more.

Let's first know about aloe vera - 

Aloe vera is also known as Aloe barbadensis miller in science. It is a succulent plant well-known for its numerous therapeutic, cosmetic, and medical purposes. It is native to desert areas and has been grown there for thousands of years because of its extraordinary medicinal qualities. It does not require a lot of water. The thick, fleshy, green leaves of aloe vera are characteristically filled with a gel-like material that is nutrient- and bioactive-rich.

Vitamin A, C, and E, minerals including calcium, magnesium, and zinc, amino acids, enzymes, and polysaccharides are just a few of the helpful substances found in the aloe gel that is taken from the inner leaf of the aloe vera plant. These components are what provide aloe vera with its wide variety of health and aesthetic advantages. Using this aloe vera gel for hair is very effective. 

Aloe vera is a versatile plant that has a long history of usage in many cultures for its healing and health-improving properties. Because of this, it is a mainstay in the fields of natural medicine, cosmetics, and wellness. Internally, aloe vera gel from plant leaves is used for beauty products, whereas aloe vera juice extracted from plant leaves is consumed as a dietary supplement. Using aloe vera in both ways for hair gives better shiny hair.

Why is aloe good for hair?

Aloe vera is thought to be beneficial for hair since it contains a lot of the compounds that serve the three purposes listed below.

  • Saponin with anti-bacterial properties
  • Tannins for hair matrix cell function
  • Mucopolysaccharides with high anti-inflammatory and water-retentive effects

Saponin with anti-bacterial properties

Saponin, a component with potent bactericidal and antibacterial properties that is abundant in aloe, aids in preventing and alleviating itching caused by the growth of bacteria. First off, the scalp contains bacteria like Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Malassezia fungus that help maintain the normal environment of the scalp. But for some reason, these bacteria multiply in large numbers which causes severe itching.

Aloe's saponins prevent bacteria from growing on the scalp. Studies conducted at Visva-Bharati University in India have demonstrated that saponins can reduce bacterial and fungal infections.

Adding aloe vera to your everyday hair care regimen can help your itchy scalp.

Tannins for hair matrix cell function

Tannin, a particular class of polyphenols found in aloe vera, can promote hair growth. First off, polyphenols are substances that have a high blood absorption rate and have potent antioxidant effects. Tannins also have the same antioxidant impact.

Research conducted by Spain's Institute for Chemical and Environmental Research (IIQAB-CSIC) demonstrates that tannins have the effect of protecting red blood cells from highly toxic active oxygen. A study also found that tannins keep good cholesterol, which removes cholesterol from the blood that is too high. 

Using aloe for hair care strengthens the veins in the scalp and further improves blood flow. It can indirectly promote the function of hair matrix cells, which are activated based on nutrients and oxygen carried by the blood.

Mucopolysaccharides with high anti-inflammatory and water-retaining effects

Aloe is rich in mucopolysaccharides, which have anti-inflammatory and water-retaining effects. Mucopolysaccharide alludes to adhesive polysaccharides made out of amino acids, sugars, uronic acids, and so forth., and is a general term for hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulphate, heparin, and so on., which are commonly known as excellent beauty ingredients.

Muko means viscous, and the reason why aloe vera is sticky is because it contains a lot of mucopolysaccharides. By using aloe vera for hair care, the scalp holds water and is moisturised, assisting with reducing skin irritation like tingling, redness, and dandruff.

What is the impact of aloe on hair and scalp?

Long-term hair care using aloe or aloe products gives the following benefits-

  1. Better Hair Growth: As mentioned above, aloe vera can activate the function of hair cells by improving blood circulation in the scalp. Hair is formed by the rehashed division and multiplication of hair lattice cells, which push them up from the hair root. The metabolic speed of hair formation is very quick, so it requires a ton of nutrients and oxygen. At the point when the blood flow in the scalp is improved by using aloe vera for hair care over a significant period, nutrients and oxygen are more easily carried by the blood to the dermal papilla, leading to hair growth.
  2. Reduce Hair Greying: Aloe vera is expected to reduce hair greying or silver hair. In any case, grey hair is a condition where the dark melanin doesn't reach the hair. The amino acid tyrosine is the raw material for melanin pigment. It controls the hair colour. Aloe contains this tyrosine, the fundamental amino acid phenylalanine, which is the raw material for tyrosine, and the essential amino acid lysine, which is the raw material for keratin and supports the growth of healthy dark hair. It also contains the mineral copper, which is required when melanin pigment is produced from tyrosine, so it can be said to be a treasure trove of nutrients necessary to improve grey hair. Aloe vera is effective to use daily.
  3. Soft & Smooth Hair: Aloe vera makes your hair smooth. This is because aloe vera contains a lot of vitamins that help to maintain a healthy scalp environment and encourage hair growth. Vitamins like vitamin A, Vitamin B group, vitamin C, and vitamin E - all of which are nutrients that help maintain healthy hair. For example, vitamin B2 supports the activity of hair cells that structure hair, smothers sebum creation on the scalp, and promotes the expulsion of lipid peroxides from the blood. In addition, vitamin B6 follows up on protein decomposition and amino acid synthesis and is fundamental for the synthesis of keratin, which is the premise of hair. Vitamin C helps to maintain collagen production and collagen levels and further develop blood flow, supporting a healthy scalp environment. By dealing with your hair with aloe vera consistently, you will be able to keep your hair firm and moisturised and aim for smooth hair.

Ways to Use Aloe Vera for Hair

There are many ways to take advantage of hair for your hair. Here are some of them, you should try-

  1. Use Commercially Aloevera gel: Aloevera gel is a product that is made from the gel part of the aloe leaf, where the active ingredients are concentrated. You can grab aloe vera gel from the market easily for hair care. While it is not difficult to use. When buying, it is vital to carefully check the ingredient list because inexpensive products have many addictions and low aloe content which can harm your hair.

Here, is an example of a hair care method using commercial aloe gel-

  • Apply aloe gel directly to the scalp.
  • Mix aloe gel with your regular conditioner.
  • Blend aloe gel with coconut oil and use it as a hair pack.

Commercially aloevera gel can be used as is or mixed with some other product, making it an easy-to-use product.

  1. Make your hair restorer: If you grow your aloe vera, you can make your hair grow tonic. The benefit of homemade hair growth products is that they permit the active ingredients to penetrate directly into the scalp. Since it contains no unnecessary added substances, it is both effective and safe can be said.

It also has the disadvantage of having a short expiry date since it doesn't contain additives. To utilise it with confidence, we suggest naming it with the date you made it and the expiration date. It is also smart to perform a patch test in advance to check if you are very sensitive to aloe vera or not.

Here, we will tell you the best way to make a hair restorer utilising aloe vera. We will present hair restorers that utilise alcohol with a long shelf life and mild alcohol-free hair restorers, so please take a look.

Hair growth agent using alcohol


  • Aloe vera: around 500g (comparable to 6 or 7 leaves)
  • White alcohol: 1800cc

Step-by-step instructions to make

  • Cut the Fresh Aloe Vera into pieces around 1cm.
  • Dry it in the shade for 3 days.
  • Mix 2 and white liquor into a glass bottle.
  • Store at room temperature for around 2 weeks to 1 month. ( Stay away from direct daylight)
  • Eliminate the aloe when it becomes yellow.
  • Finish

Instructions to use: You can apply it directly to your scalp or mix it in with your ordinary shampoo. Be sure to keep track of the expiration date, which is approximately three months away.

Alcohol-free hair growth agent


  • Aloe leaf

Instructions to make

  • Strip the outer layer of the aloe leaf and take out the pulp or gel.
  • Put one in a food processor
  • Put the other two in a pot and heat for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Strain the excess pulp
  • Finish

Instructions to Use: After washing your hair, apply it to your scalp, massage it, and flush it off. From that point forward, you can utilise conditioners and so on. Due to the short expiration date, which is approximately one to two weeks, be careful not to make too much.

  1. Apply aloe vera directly to the scalp: Applying aloe directly to the scalp for hair growth is the easiest technique, as there is no need to consider expiration dates, added substances, or the problem of making or buying it. Assuming that you grow aloe vera at home, you might want to try it.

The recommended type of aloe to use is aloe vera, which is less irritating. Applying aloe to your scalp is very simple. To prepare, simply cut out the spiny part from the aloe leaf and divide it into flat surfaces. When applying this to your scalp, make sure to keep the pulp part facing your scalp and apply it all over your scalp.

However, when applying aloe vera directly to the scalp, we recommend that you perform a patch test on an inconspicuous area of ​​your body before using it on your scalp, just as you would with homemade hair growth products.

Frequently Asked Questions on Aloe Vera

Can we apply aloe vera directly on hair?

Yes, you may use aloe vera gel directly to your hair. It is advantageous for dry and damaged hair because of its nourishing and moisturising qualities.

What are the side effects of aloe vera on hair?

Although they are uncommon, excessive usage of aloe vera might cause dryness or brittleness in the hair. For people with sensitive scalps, a patch test is advised.

Can we apply aloe vera on hair daily?

Daily use of aloe vera on the hair is possible, but moderation is essential to avoid any possible drying effects.

Does aloe vera regrow hair?

Aloe vera can help to maintain a healthy scalp, but it is not a certain way to encourage hair growth on its own.

Can aloe stop hair fall?

By preserving a healthy scalp environment, aloe vera can aid in reducing hair loss, while it might not reverse hair loss brought on by other conditions.

Can aloe vera thicken hair?

The moisturising qualities of aloe vera can improve the thickness and general health of hair, giving it a fuller, more voluminous appearance.

Is it better to wash off the aloe gel applied to the hair or not?

Any aloe gel applied to your hair, whether commercial or natural, should be washed off thoroughly. If your aloe gel stays on your scalp, it might cause the development of microorganisms. Applying a hair pack with aloe gel for about an hour is enough for hair growth, however, make certain to wash your hair cautiously after the treatment to ensure there is no leftover aloe gel.

How and in what order should I utilise aloe gel on my hair?

The way to utilise aloe gel on your hair is to adjust the proportion to 1:1 while blending it in with conditioner or oil. Blend the aloe gel and oil completely until no streaks remain and apply cautiously to hair. Additionally, if you apply aloe gel directly to your scalp, do it before washing your hair. With your fingertips, apply the gel to your scalp and leave it on for about an hour. Then, wash your hair with shampoo and condition your hair.

Will aloe vera gel turn my hair brown?

Brown hair has increased among grey hair after using aloe gel for hair care. This can be supposed to be because of the impact of aloe vera on preventing grey hair. Aloe gel promotes the production of melanin pigment and improves the scalp environment, so melanin pigment is gradually transferred to grey hair. This process is what turns your hair brown.

Is it okay to apply aloe gel to dry hair?

Aloe gel can also be used on dry hair and is suggested for preventing static electricity produced via friction, setting hair, and preventing dry hair. In any case, while utilising it on dry hair, it tends to become sticky, so use a small amount.

Can aloe vera gel cause baldness?

If you are allergic to the ingredient in aloe or the added substances in the gel, using aloe gel on your scalp might irritate. Irritation of the scalp is a significant reason for balding.

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